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The value of preventive maintenance on robotic equipment

Robot maintenance service - Revtech Systems

The importance of maintenance in robotics: Ensuring the longevity and performance of your industrial robots

Although robots require less maintenance than a mechanical automated solution, there are a number of aspects that need to be taken into account to ensure optimum production. Maintenance is not limited to the robot itself. It's just as important to pay attention to the other systems in the cell with which it interacts, such as conveyors, sensors, process control and material supply equipment (paint, glue, sealant), etc. These peripheral systems can often require a great deal of maintenance. These peripheral systems can often require increased preventive maintenance to ensure that the cell as a whole runs smoothly. Although the robot may seem less maintenance-intensive, certain interventions are nonetheless essential to keep it running smoothly.

A cost-effective investment

Far from being a mere expense, robotic maintenance is a wise investment for a number of reasons:

  • Reduce production downtime: Preventive maintenance enables you to detect and correct anomalies before they cause critical breakdowns, thus reducing unplanned downtime and the associated production losses. Simply changing the robot's battery on a one-off basis will prevent you from ending up with a robot that has lost all its geometric reference points and will no longer be able to work (loss of robot mastering). The availability of support personnel must be taken into account. It is likely that a technician will not be available on the same day, which may result in additional costs (emergency fee). Changing the battery is a minimal expense compared to the cost of a production shutdown.
  • Extend the service life of robots/equipment: Regular maintenance helps prevent premature wear and tear on components, extending the life of robots/equipment and postponing the need for costly replacement.
  • Equipment optimization: By following Revtech Systems' recommendations, you can optimize your robot's trajectories and thus improve its performance. This translates into shorter cycle times and less mechanical wear, enabling you to increase production and smooth out your motion sequences.

Two complementary approaches: preventive and corrective maintenance

Robotics maintenance involves two complementary approaches:

Preventive maintenance:

  • This aims to prevent breakdowns by following a regular inspection and maintenance program, based on the manufacturer's recommendations and the robot's operating conditions.
  • This approach includes tasks such as lubricating, checking components, re-torquing bolts (for mechanical references), taking software backups and calibrating robots. Replacing air filters and controllers reduces dust and heat, ensuring the longevity of electrical and electronic components, avoiding intermittent panel-related breakdowns, component breakage and cleanliness.
  • Robot maintenance improves the safety of the robot and surrounding equipment by reducing the risk of breakdowns and accidents.
  • A detailed multi-point report and supporting photos are provided to the customer for follow-up.

Curative maintenance (technical inspection):

  • Intervention in the event of breakdown or malfunction of the robot and components of your cell.
  • The aim is to diagnose the source of the problem and repair it as quickly as possible to minimize the impact on production.
  • Software updates and mechanical verification of your entire cell to optimize your equipment.


Robotics maintenance is important to ensure the longevity, optimization and safety of equipment. By investing in effective preventive and corrective maintenance, companies can maximize the return on investment of their robots, and take full advantage of the benefits of automation while increasing production.

Equipment maintenance service

Contact our maintenance team for personalized advice on the maintenance of your industrial robots.