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How robotics simplified the packaging process

Boulangerie La Fabrique

Boulangerie La Fabrique, located in Quebec City, needed to produce more while preserving the artisanal aspect of its products. A few years ago, the company faced a major challenge in managing production and storage volumes, with a packaging bottleneck.


"5 years ago, we found ourselves faced with a major challenge. We were able to supply both production and warehousing volume. It was really in packaging that we had a bottleneck we couldn't absorb. From there, we met Revtech, which specializes in robotics. We were light years away from thinking that one day a robot would be installed in our factory." - Stéven Alanon, Chief Baker, La Fabrique


Revtech implemented an innovative conveyor system that monitors and stabilizes the products, enabling the robot to pick them up and place them in a bag. This system eliminated the tedious task of manual packing, simplifying the operators' work. The main objective was to make the packer's job less demanding, as the company had a high turnover rate for this position. This automation has enabled the company to manage its production efficiently and maintain high quality standards for its top-of-the-range products.


About Boulangerie La Fabrique
Since 2012, Boulangerie La Fabrique has established itself as a must for Quebec City gourmands. Born of the ambition of the Veilleux brothers and the artisan know-how of Breton bakery chef Stéven Alanou, it has carved out a place for itself among the city's leading bakeries. Guided by passion and innovation, La Fabrique has undergone a remarkable transformation. Relocating to be closer to customers, changing its name to better reflect its artisanal identity, expanding its premises and team, everything has been done to offer an exceptional customer experience.

Today, La Fabrique is a team of 20 dedicated craftsmen who perpetuate the bakery tradition with superior quality products. To meet the needs of its growing customer base, the company continually invests in state-of-the-art equipment and modern facilities, while preserving the working comfort of its employees.


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