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How to Identify your need for automation, robotization or AI?

Robotics project scenarios

In the first article of this series, we explored the importance of the pre-engineering phase in the success of a robotics project. In the second article, we'll discuss how to clearly identify your need for automation, robotics or AI.

When it comes to integrating complex systems such as industrial robotics, collaborative robotics, automation and machine vision, it's crucial to get requirements right from the outset. Misunderstanding expectations and actual data can lead to inefficient, costly and even failed projects.

For this reason, at Revtech Systems, we attach great importance to the pre-engineering phase and feasibility testing. These stages enable us to work closely with our customers to understand their specific needs and define tailor-made solutions that meet their expectations.

Defining techniques for eliciting needs

Requirements elicitation is the essential process of gathering and analyzing the information needed to define project requirements. There are a number of different elicitation techniques, including the following:

  • One-on-one interviews: This technique allows you to have in-depth conversations with the people concerned, in order to understand their needs, objectives and constraints. Interviews should be scheduled with people at all levels of the project. Operators/laborers on the production line, accounting, quality control and so on. The information from each person will enable us to pinpoint and understand needs from different angles.
  • Group workshops: These bring together several project stakeholders to generate ideas and identify common needs.
  • Surveys: Surveys can be used to collect data from a number of stakeholders and facilitate analysis/processing.
  • Observation: Observing production in its working environment can provide valuable information about its needs and challenges. The key here is to observe rigorously and take accurate notes/data.

Identify different types of needs

The requirements to justify an automation and robotization project can be classified into different categories, including :

  • Functional requirements: These describe the functionalities that the system must offer.
  • Non-functional requirements: These relate to system characteristics such as performance, safety and reliability.
  • Constraint requirements: These are requirements imposed by external factors, such as regulations or standards, or even available floor space.

Tools and methods for effective needs gathering

There are many tools and methods available to facilitate the gathering of customer requirements. Here are just a few examples:

  • Use case diagrams: These diagrams describe the different ways in which the system will be used.
  • Use scenarios: These describe typical sequences of interactions between the customer and the system.
  • Prototypes: These are used to visualize the system and gather feedback from users or people involved in the project.
  • Checklists: These ensure that all important requirements have been identified.

Robot collaboratif Omron - Test pré-ingénierie

Emphasizing the importance of clear, ongoing communication

Clear, ongoing communication between internal and/or external stakeholders is essential throughout the needs identification process. It is important to :
  • Listen closely: Take the time to understand the needs and concerns of those involved.
  • Ask questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions to clarify unclear points.
  • Validate information: Confirm that you've understood the needs by summarizing what you've heard. This ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  • Keep staff informed: Keep the team informed of project progress and any changes.

The key is to understand your needs

By identifying needs clearly early on, you can increase your project's chances of success. By using the techniques, tools and methods described in this article, you can gather valuable information and define solutions that meet their expectations.

At Revtech Systems, we're here to support you every step of the process, offering expertise and knowledge. Talk to our robotics experts today to discuss your project and find out how we can help make it a reality.