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Employee retention in industry through technology

Employee retention in industry through technology
  • February 2, 2024

In today's ever-changing business world, Canada's manufacturing sector is no exception. From large industrial corporations to small local businesses, innovation and the integration of new technologies are changing our approach to production and value creation. It's essential to ask the following question: How can you not only attract, but also retain young talent? This question is not just a competitive advantage, it's becoming an inescapable necessity.

A constantly changing professional landscape

Statistics reveal an interesting trend: today's workers are changing jobs more frequently than ever before. While baby boomers remain loyal to a few companies throughout their careers, millennials explore an average of 11 different jobs before the age of 30. This evolution underlines the importance for companies to adapt quickly to the changing needs and expectations of the workforce.

Automation and robotics: job creators

Automation and robotics are no longer concepts reserved for large factories. They have become essential tools for small businesses wishing to remain globally competitive while preserving local jobs. Rather than eliminating jobs, these technologies are transforming existing jobs into more specialized and valued roles, focused on technology and innovation.

Overcome obstacles: Invest in technology leaders

A major obstacle to the adoption of automation is sometimes a lack of leadership. Investing in people who are passionate about technology is essential to stimulate innovation and the adoption of new practices within organizations large and small.

Education and technology: the keys to the future

Finally, education plays a crucial role in preparing the next generation of workers for the age of digital manufacturing. It's essential to present manufacturing as a dynamic, technology-driven career. Exploring available programs and resources can encourage young people to consider manufacturing as a promising path.

Even small businesses can stay competitive

Automation and robotics are no longer the preserve of large companies. Small businesses, with the right vision and the right people, can also transform the way they work and stay competitive on the global stage. If you neglect to invest in your people while your competitors do, you risk being left behind in terms of recruitment and performance.

If you're planning to integrate automation into your business, feel free to explore the different options available and contact our automation experts for customized advice.


Source photo : Universal Robots
Video Source : YouTube Revtech Systèmes